Links for Volunteerism Opportunities


In NJ you can assist children is obtaining needed oral healthcare - volunteer and/or contribute with:

Bright Smiles, Bright Future

America's Toothfairy

American Dental Hygienists’ Association Institute for Oral Health

Oral Cancer Foundation


Scam Alert 6/7/2023: 

The Division of Consumer Affairs (Division) is warning all licensed professionals about individuals impersonating New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs (DCA) investigators, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents, DEA investigators, New Jersey Drug Control Unit investigators, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigators, and other law enforcement personnel, as part of an extortion scheme.

The impersonators are contacting licensees by telephone or letter, stating that they are the subject of an investigation. The callers are demanding money to clear up the matter, or threatening to revoke the individual’s license. Please be advised that the Division of Consumer Affairs will not contact licensees by telephone to discuss investigations or demand money. 

Anyone receiving a telephone call from a person purporting to be any of the above mentioned individuals seeking money, should refuse the demand. We encourage you to report the call to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at You may also report the call to the Division at 

ADHA Institute for Oral Health (IOH) - Apply for Needed Funds

IOH administers funds for a variety of projects.

The Mars Wrigley Foundation Community Service Grants 

Congratulations to the MJKD Award


Amy Shah, RDH, MDH, is this year's recipient of the MJKD Faculty Mentorship Award! Amy is a member of Southern Component and on the faculty at Rowan College of Burlington County. She will receive the award during the Opening Session of the Annual Conference in October.

Bright Smiles, Bright Futures

Delivering Health Education to Children

Calling all dental professionals!!!

The Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures program is looking for volunteers for visual examinations on children 12 years and younger at locations throughout New Jersey and New York.

CLICK HERE to view the letter from Omar Sanchez, RDH, NJDHA's Public Health Issues Director, with dates and locations listed. 

You can email any dates you are interesting in volunteering for, and more information on the screening process will be emailed to you.

NJDHA Dental Hygienist Spotlight

Dental Hygienist Spotlight is an opportunity with NJDHA to tell your story and show those in our state and beyond how you make a difference in your community, state, nation, or world as a dental hygienist volunteer. NJDHA’s goal with Dental Hygienist Spotlight is to share the journey of various dental hygienists through NJDHA. It is to demonstrate how we, as dental hygienists, make a difference in such diverse and unique ways each day to impact others’ lives and enhance overall health. We want to empower other dental hygienists to engage in your journey and possibly create a pathway in their lives to serve others as a dental hygienist volunteer. We want to shed light to others on the multiple opportunities to volunteer as a dental hygiene professional and the numerous variations to accommodate your schedule to volunteer. Nominate yourself or a fellow hygienist today!!

Looking for an NJDHA Spotlight for January 2025 


Email form to:

Congratulations to Amy Shah, RDH, MDH

The Mars Wrigley Foundation Healthier Smiles Program has awarded Amy Shah, the dental hygiene program director at Rowan College of Burlington County, $5000 to launch the pilot program

"Veterans Smile Day"

Another Year of Success for the NJ Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Special Smiles Program
Participation by NJDHA Members, Dental Hygiene Program Faculty, & Dental Hygiene Students

The Special Olympics of New Jersey welcomed the New Jersey Dental Hygienists’ Association to its upcoming Special Smiles event. Healthy Athletes Special Smiles Program for the 2024 Summer Games for the Special Olympics was held from June 7-9 and NJDHA members and dental hygiene program students attended to volunteer their time and skills.

The NJ Special Olympics Smiles Program was a success again, with the inclusion and diversity of dental hygiene volunteers joining through our NJDHA outreach. The NJ Special Olympics welcomed any dental professional, dental and dental hygiene student for their Healthy Athletes “Special Smiles” event at The College of New Jersey. Oral health screenings were provided for the athletes by the dental hygienists, dentists, and dental students volunteering. Dental hygiene students promoted continued oral health by checking in athletes, fabricating mouthguards, and providing oral health instruction for the athletes after screenings.

A huge additional thanks to the dental hygienists, faculty, and students for diving into this outreach this year to support the oral health of these athletes and their caregivers oral health knowledge. For more information on future Special Olympics event volunteering opportunities in Fall 2024 for dental hygienists and dental hygiene students, please watch our NJDHA website and social media outlets for more information. View photos from the volunteers at the Summer 2024 Special Smiles Event below. Thank you to all who give back!

NJDHA VP with Remote Area Medical (RAM) Volunteer Corps


Email us to see how you can help:

RAM aims to improve oral health awareness and offer free services to those who might not have regular access to dental care. Pamela Graboso-Saul RDH, MSDH, and Professor Lynn Tobin from Middlesex College were among the volunteers who provided medical and dental screenings, preventive care, and patient education. Patients expressing their gratitude highlight the need for improved access to health care and give volunteers motivation to do so again.


The American Dental Hygienists’ Association continues to serve its members with a productive House of Delegates. This year’s decisions will make our Association more efficient, attract new members, and advance policies that reflect our 21st Century profession.
The ADHA HOD is the annual business meeting of the Association, in the same way NJDHA General Membership Meeting is the Constituent’s business meeting. The outcome of our House of Delegates is
A new slate of Officers and Directors


District I: Carmen Negron-Dupee BSFCS RDH
District II: Carolynn Wahl RDH BSDH PHDHP FADHA
District III: Sheri Moore RDH BSHS FADHA
District IV: Renee Spencer RDH FADHA
District V: Jerelyn Smith RDH FADHA
District VI: Carrie Fowler RDHDistrict

VII: Carissa Renae Regnerus RDH MA FADHADistrict

VIII: Christina Emmert RDH PRP FADHADistrict

IX: Joanna Allaire RDH BSDH MDH FADHADistrict

X: Laura Green RDH MEd FADHADistrict

XI: Pamela Larrabee RDH BAS MA


President:  Erin Haley-Hitz RDH BSDH MS FADHA MAADH
President-elect: Lancette Van Guilder BS RDH PHEDH CEAS FADHA
Vice President:  Jessica August CDA RDH BSDH MSDH
Speaker of the HOD:  Valoree Althoff MHA BSDH CPP-T PRP FADHA
Immediate Past President: Becky Smith CRDH EdD FADHA
Treasurer: Chante Miller CRDH CLSSGB MBA

A Bylaws amendment that gives the responsibility of amending the Bylaws to the ADHA Board of Directors, similar to the responsibility NJDHA Board of Directors has for our Constituent’s Bylaws.
A new category of membership entitled New Professional Members, who can be targeted for discounted rates and special programs to introduce them to the profession and foster their involvement and loyalty to the Association.
Two policy statements supporting professional growth and autonomy.
A policy statement supporting the reduction of barriers new dental hygienists face in getting licensed.
A policy statement broadening support of loan forgiveness to dental hygienists
A definition of free sugars and a policy statement supporting the limitation of free sugars in the diet.

Special thanks to our District II Director

Our NJDHA Delegation

Howard M Notgarnie RDH EdD FADHA

Delegate Stacy Onofrietti RDH MS PhD CHP FADHA



Cooper University Healthcare 

Cooper University is currently searching for extraordinary dental hygienists. Scan the QR code for more information or visit Jobs at

NJDHA Dental HygienE

Student Spotlight

Dental Hygiene Student Spotlight is an opportunity with the NJDHA to tell your story as a student in a NJ program and show those in our state and beyond how students make a difference in their institution, community, state, nation, or even globally as a volunteer. NJDHA’s goal with the Dental Hygiene Student Spotlight is to share the journey of various dental hygiene students throughout NJ. It is to demonstrate how dental hygiene students make a difference in such diverse and unique ways each day to impact others’ lives and enhance overall health through any avenues that they can.  Nominate yourself or a fellow student today!!

Looking for an NJDHA Student Spotlight for January 2025 


Email form to:

NJDHA Mourns the Passing of Members

Susan Singer, RDH (Southern)

2002 President of NJDHA
2006 Winner for the Fran Fluhr Distinguished Service Award
Many years as Southern Legislative Chair

Susan passed away 11.18.24. A biography is posted at Platt Memorial Chapels, where memorial services were held. 

Dorothy (Dodie) Keith Schaub Allers, RDH (Northern)

Practiced dental hygiene for 63 years
Held NJ License #71
2011 Winner of Sunstar Award of Distinction
Dodie passed away 11.29.24. A biography is posted at the Galloway & Crane Funeral Home.

An Important Message from President Dr. Onofrietti RDH, MS, PhD, CHP, FADHA 

An astounding number of dental offices are considered "ghost directories". See what this means by clicking the button below to visit the secret shopper research and read the latest announcement regarding Medicaid dental providers for children.

Trivia Night 

Join us for a night of "Smart Smiles" trivia. Proceeds benefit scholarships and grant funding for the ADHA's IOH Foundation.

Jan. 31 at 7:30 pm CT
$20 for general registration and $10 for Legacy League members (email to inquire about becoming a member and receiving special discounts)

Join us May 16-17,2025 at the Bridgewater Marriott as we return to an engaging multi-day convention format. Continuing Education offered for Dentists, Hygienists and Assistants to help you complete your mandated requirements and more. There's something for everyone with our wide range of presenters and topics-there’s even a new licensee reception for dentists who are new to the Garden State! In addition, this year’s NJDA Celebration reception is being done like never before. You won't want to miss this convention!

New Jersey Dental Association's 2025 Annual Convention


Give Kids A Smile 2025

Sign up NOW to volunteer!!


Dorothy Ferreira RDH MSDH